Sunday 20 May 2012

More Afternoon Tea!

I'm afraid my beloved and I committed another crime to our waistlines yesterday. It started out as an innocuous little stroll around Windsor. The town had a festive and somewhat retro air, awash as it was with military service personnel in their parade uniforms following the jubilee event for the Queen at Windsor Castle earlier in the day. As we were 'walking off' our lunch we strolled down to the bridge leading across to Eton, and this was our downfall - here lies the delectable little 'Chocolate Theatre', which we were unable to walk past without having a modest Cream Tea shared between the two of us. On the surface this might seem perfectly restrained; a pot of tea and two scones for two. But of course, once a clotted creamed and jammed scone of superiour quality has passed one's lips, well, another will always have to follow.

'Demain, régime sec!' as my former French mother in law would have said. Indeed, I feel so guilty I may just have some chicken broth with rice noodles for dinner today. I may - or I may not.

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